Sunday, July 29, 2012


Tyler and I went on a little 41 mile ride this past Saturday to log some miles before the century. I got to travel via bike to a really neat area of LA. Honestly, didn't feel like LA. I can not tell you in detail the exact route: roads, paths, etc. (not because it is secret information, but because I'm really not good with directions). I can however provide you with some fun pictures. Thank you to all who have already given us your support, whether finically, with prayer, or in some other capacity. If you would still like to be a component, you can follow the following link for more information.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wrigley Field Road Tour

Went riding the other day through the neighborhoods of San Diego. On the way back a couple of bike related things caught my eye. Our Jedidiah team, which will be riding in the Wrigley Field Road Tour that World Bicycle Relief is putting on, is really excited about the event and the opportunity can impact we can have. Hope to be doing a 50 mile ride here soon in preparation for the 100 miles we will be riding on August 19th. If you have not yet been able to check out World Bicycle Relief and their mission to impact people throught the power of a bicycle, please check it out. Also if your able to support our ride finically, you can donate online via our Jedidiah/MFG site. Any one of the following links will that you there.