Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Saturday

Today was a really good day. One of those days where your feel like you really didn't waste any of the day. Where you made the most of the opportunities and events that took place. It started off at 7:15 in the A.M. with some fine morning reading and waking up. I then meet up with and old friend from Jr. High, Sara Kendsora Zielinski, that  I had not seen in seven year. Thinking about it now, seven years is a long time not to talk to a really good friend you have know since Jr. High. Nevertheless, it was really great to see her again. I also got to meet here husband, Chris,  here about there adventures, their schooling, dog, plans, families, likes, dislikes, and the like. Plus the pancakes at Around The Clock were pretty tasty as well. From there I may my way south to Dundee, to see two other friends I have not seen in over two years, James Erdmann and Steve Cook. There were playing in a Ultimate tournament which I was also able to participate in. I had not played in a competitive manner in three years, but found I still retained a majority of the necessary information to be competitive. I can't tell you how fun it was to run around in the 29 degree weather, having a cold plastic disc chucked a high velocity smacking the palms of you hands, and not being able to feel your ears, all make for a great experience. I really serious, I loved it. Plus the team I was playing for won the tournament, so I can't complain their. I had to leave the tournament early to make it home and then to church before 5:30. However, on the way a phone call from James would reroute my plans. He left his keys in my car during your lunch break to Taco Bell. Thus, route 68 was the most direct path and took me through a cool little downtown area which  provided me with the sunset you see here. 

Once the keys were promptly returned to James it was off to church to hang with my brown team in the kindergarden room. I had about three less kids then I normally had, and it made all the difference in the world when it come to getting them to listen. So that went well. On the drive home Mom and Dad stopped and pick up a pizza for dinner. I had never had a Nero's Pizza before, but it was a pretty good thin crust pizza. Keeping with the theme of catching up with old friends, I was able to talk to another old high school friend via cellular telephone. She was back in town from colorado for a little while, but Kaite Parker had to leave for Colorado Early today. And what caps a great day, nothing other then a game of Scrabble with the old man. And after playing my seven letter word 'reprint' I was in control of the game and able to come back and win.

After spending Thanksgiving at my Grandparents place in Wisconsin, and after today I think I'm realized something about myself, or perhaps rediscovered something about myself. My grandmother is a wise women who I love and respect dearly. When taking with her she help to give some insight to my life. She said, "I think your a people person, your need to have contact with people." I have always enjoyed hanging out with friends and just being around others. I know this sounds strange from a person who hates crowds. But I feel my Grandmother is right, I need a lot of contact with people. I also need to be able to retreat. I need to do a job where I have a lot of interaction with people. I need to have a life where God and people take precedence. And after catching up with all my old friends, they make life more enjoyable, then any computer, any project, any adventure. Somewhere between high school graduation and this year I seem to have forgotten that.   

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that Nero's pizza is the pizza company that delivers the pizza to the McCallisters in Home Alone? The guy that always hits their bronze statue in the yard? They live in Chicago.
