Sunday, February 6, 2011


I think they should start making this model of the Mini again. This thing actually is really mini, the roof comes up to my hip.  

Painting a wall of the house. Most of the walls were painted this purple, so Sam and Hannah put an end to that really quick. I will hopefully have more pics of the house coming soon.  

The family I stayed with in Guatemala. It was a great experience staying with them, super nice, excellent food, and just over all a good experience. 

 Even in Guatemala I found myself changing out light fixtures. 

 A small free painting Sam and Hannah got for buy so much furniture. 

Some candles to bring some color to the house. 

We had these left over drawers from the kitchen. We got pretty creative and decided to use them has wall art and shelves. We just need to find something other then sunglass to put in them.  

Hiiii Mooooom. 

Sorry for the long time between posts. I hope to up date more once we get internet in the house. Hannah and I and I are taking a break from spanish class for a week, and will start up again next week. We need to start utilizing what we have learned.


  1. Yay for redecorating :) Hope you are doing well Troy!

  2. Hiiii Troy,
    House is looking good, enjoy your time off from school.

  3. sweet blog, man! pics are authentic, fun, you got a great eye, and so talented. great documentation. stormy
